Special invite 💌

Join the HeyOrca Stans!

The HeyOrca Stans is a private (and 100% free) ​community for our most engaged HeyOrca ​customers! Connect with other social media ​managers, discover collaboration opportunities, and ​get early access to new HeyOrca features.





What do you get when you become a ​HeyOrca Stan?

HeyOrca Stans enjoy:

Access to an exclusive Slack workspace

Private virtual events to connect with other social pros

HeyOrca merch (to rep your favourite social scheduler!)

Early access to new HeyOrca features

The option to give direct product feedback to our team

Collaboration opportunities through webinars, blogs, and ​social media content

A HeyOrca Stan badge to display on your personal ​LinkedIn page

Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon

What’s expected of HeyOrca Stans?

In addition to participating in a 30-minute welcome call with ​Alyssa (hiiii, that’s me!), we ask the following of every Stan:

Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon
Check Mark with Circle Flat Icon

Join our private Slack workspace and participate in the ​conversation

Participate in upcoming new feature testing with our ​Director of Product, Steph

Provide feedback on anything you’d change or add to the ​group

Collaborate in a way that works best for you!

Here’s what HeyOrca Stans have to say!

I love being a Stan!! I feel honored to be involved in helping HeyOrca be the best social media platform on the market. Keep it up! Y’all are doing an amazing job.”

“It helps us feel like we're a valued part of the HeyOrca community.”

“Being able to throw out a question or ask for advice and get real responses back -- this is so helpful to learn and grow!”

“Love being ​a Stan!”​

“You're all doing a WONDERFUL job! I really appreciate all the info you send via emails because I know it takes ​time to pull things together in real-time given how fast social media moves.”​

Want to become a HeyOrca Stan?

We accept a new cohort of HeyOrca Stans at the start of every quarter.

Please send us an email to express your interest!